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Other workshops

Marisa also offers a range of workshops that focus on women's stories and spirituality, ritual and ceremony, talismanic crafting and Sacred Dance and Movement.

Women's Story Circle

A monthly gathering where women share their life stories
in a respectful, honouring and nurturing environment.
We witness each other's journey,
and provide for each other a safe haven
in which to bring into speech
our experiences, insights and lessons.

Time/Place:To be notified of the next workshop please register your interest using the adjacent form.


Crafting Ritual Objects, Power Tools,
Amulets, Relics & Talismans.

Time/Place:To be notified of the next workshop please register your interest using the adjacent form.

Journey with the Goddess

We begin by exploring ancient cultures and civilizations,
and move through the ages towards our own time,
in search of the female face of God.
Utilizing research, discussion, meditation,
dance, song, crafting, ceremony and ritual,
we embody and experience the eternal connection
between Humanity and Divinity,
and especially between Women and Goddess.

Time/Place:To be notified of the next workshop please register your interest using the adjacent form.

The Way of the Dance

An invitation to join me in a Journey
of Body, Mind and Spirit through the medium
of Circle Dance and Movement.
Each of the eight sessions will focus
on a different aspect of the Circle Dance experience
and will include opening and closing rituals,
creating Sacred Space, sharing,
contemplation and ceremony.

Time/Place: The current class is full.
To be notified of the next workshop please register your interest using the adjacent form.

Ceremonial Leader

A teacher and facilitator, with a background in Education,
Goddess Spirituality, Sacred and Circle Dance
and Community Recreation, Marisa also
offers her services and experience as a Ceremonial Leader.
She consults with and involves groups and individuals
in the co-creation of meaningful ceremonies and rituals
celebrating Rites of Passage.
These include Hand Fastings, Birthdays, Naming,
Coming of Age, Croning, Wakes and Seasonal observances.

Time/Place: as negotiated, please register your interest using the adjacent form.

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