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Let's Dance!

Please see below for this month's dance schedule.
Currently, dance sessions are conducted in
Cumberland Park, Adelaide
and Mount Barker in the Adelaide Hills.

Circle Dancing for Health and Wellbeing
~ Adelaide ~

A low impact, joyful form of exercise,
Circle Dance combines easy to learn
dance steps and movements
with uplifting music from around the world.
All women welcome.

Time: Wednesdays 1.30pm - 3.00pm during school terms
Place: Sophia Centre, 225 Cross Rd, Cumberland Park
Cost: $12 or $10 concession.

Circle Dancing for Health and Wellbeing
~ Mount Barker ~

A low impact, non-competitive activity,
Circle Dance combines easy to learn
dance steps and movements
with traditional, contemporary, world and folk music.
All women welcome.

Time: Thursdays 10.30am - 12.00 noon during school terms
Place: Uniting Church Hall, 13 Mann St, Mount Barker
Cost: $12 or $10 concession


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Coming Up...

         New Years Eve
~ Saturday December 31st ~

Celebrate New Year's Eve at Sophia.
Please check back closer to the date
for more information.
Time: 7:30pm - 01:00am

Participate in a craft or dance workshop this month
Upcoming workshops